Saturday, July 16, 2011

Growing up!

Time Flies! before you know it, the next kicks in, over riding the past and keeps on the momentum, gone are the kiddie toddler times, now its the dawn for the teenage years ahead, the enjoyment and fun with the easy going occasions and momentus toys and entertainment is almost over.

Those were the days that is begone are ...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

teaching kids early for savings and stop wasting

Have you thought about it? is your children saving enough for yourselves as parents? are they wasting? ie. food(energy) , electricity(power utilities), time (resources)???

well, its time we get logical, do not just say nevermind or its okay and no problem , its conservative time and thinking to adapt to make it happen, it can be a huge savings and costs to cut and put them better in the coined piggy bank or a financial institution

the unforeseeable and intangible loss is to be constantly reminded and upkeep for us to save irregardless we are wealthy irregardless, its our duty to make such in order to inculcate better sense of spending unecessary, we tend to not stinge on this as parents who are well off or better in terms of capacity and ability...

Friday, April 27, 2007

Are you the only one left?

What are you going to do?
Do you have any one dear and close to fall back upon in your golden years?
Have yo made the contingencies and necessary arrangements when all else has failed?
Is there a will to cover the beneficiaries and support for all matters?
What if nothing has been made and nothing to do?
Are your left in the lurch and unable to plan ahead?
Who is there left?
think again

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Children are a new breed now,a new generation for the future

Telling point- they are better than us but will they be best off in future? Whose hands will they lie in if we ourselves are not available to see them thru when we retire?
Many question marks to answer indeed, but who is to tell what the destination unknown is for years to come, if there are plenty more years to come, or is there is breakpoint like the end of the world,full stop. Well, the truth of the matter is still how, who, what, where and why ?
The parents and the children are each family cohort who breathes the nation and the country, each single person brings wealth to the econonomic strategy of each ruling government indirectly irregardless contributing to the state power or the inviting corporate organisation.
The child of the matter is the contribution of each responsible parent minimum, no parent should discount the responsibility of each support to each child, even though there could be another care giver providing like a grandparent,communal school care or a direct home care in terms of a nanny or a maid. So the impact for a child breeding and building is consequential to a complete multi dependent white box to develop a frontier of emerging social benefits and human driven force to enable the world to respond .

Extended family or a broken family

who is to look after one another in a family unit , or is there a separation of ones own offsprings/ or children in a human entity? somehow the basic family circle is missing from various family backgrounds in different curcumstances. There are instances of disconnecting a member from a person from a unit to be distanced thru experiences of worldly influences thru economic or self discovery ideas that cause this bonding.
Modern famililies are affected by employment and several social support inside a basic family unit, such that there could be limited support outside this core unit to be self sufficient . This causes the family tier to branch out and to look for assistance outside. The care factor could be a dispairing factor for such a scenario. The introduction of a new kid...born

A complete family or just husband and wife

who needs children, is it a joy or a burden?
many couples do not have children ,why? there is a dilemma or fear
then who should address this social impact on world population or is it only a nation problem
governments can control but overcontrol leaves each country to fix this rising trend and a global reality to grow even further
has somebody think hard of this extinction of mankind or is it the will and the finale of the coming of God to suffice?
some blame it on the government, others blame on individualistic selfishness
its something that inter-relate towards a complicated mix of ideas and practicalities in life
so many things to handle and the ever changing world to adjust ones own lifestyle and cirriculum of activities
what benefits each personality and character if much debated on a wide spanse of diverse practices and environmental influences.
The bottom line is still the husband and the wife decides.

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