Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Children are a new breed now,a new generation for the future

Telling point- they are better than us but will they be best off in future? Whose hands will they lie in if we ourselves are not available to see them thru when we retire?
Many question marks to answer indeed, but who is to tell what the destination unknown is for years to come, if there are plenty more years to come, or is there is breakpoint like the end of the world,full stop. Well, the truth of the matter is still how, who, what, where and why ?
The parents and the children are each family cohort who breathes the nation and the country, each single person brings wealth to the econonomic strategy of each ruling government indirectly irregardless contributing to the state power or the inviting corporate organisation.
The child of the matter is the contribution of each responsible parent minimum, no parent should discount the responsibility of each support to each child, even though there could be another care giver providing like a grandparent,communal school care or a direct home care in terms of a nanny or a maid. So the impact for a child breeding and building is consequential to a complete multi dependent white box to develop a frontier of emerging social benefits and human driven force to enable the world to respond .

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